
I'm Vashae.

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.

Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my Projects

  • NFT Marketplace

    React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Firebase, Node.js

    Showcases my ability to collaborate effectively within a development team to deliver a comprehensive project. We implemented skeleton loading states to enhance user experience, visually appealing animations for polished aesthetics, responsive carousels for dynamic content presentation, and efficient data sorting for improved functionality. Used GitHub branches to manage code contributions, enabling thorough peer reviews before merging changes to the main branch, ensuring code quality and project stability.

    Social Media Application Clone

    React, NextJs, TailwindCSS, ShadCN, Clerk, Neon, Prisma, UploadThing, Vercel

    Built a cutting-edge social media application with a sleek, modern UI design. Leveraged Clerk for seamless profile management, enabling users to post, like, and comment effortlessly. Implemented image uploads using UploadThing, enhancing user engagement. Streamlined development with ShadCN and optimized styling with TailwindCSS, eliminating the need for an additional CSS file and maintaining a clean, efficient codebase. Integrated Prisma and Neon to manage a robust user database, ensuring reliable data storage and retrieval.

    Library Application

    React, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    Developed a website with skeleton loading to enhance user experience and improve perceived performance. The site demonstrates my ability to create a simple marketing platform for businesses to buy and sell goods, complete with an add/remove to cart feature.

    Movie Library

    React, HTML, CSS, Javascript

    Demonstrates my expertise in API integration, efficient data sorting, and the implementation of loading states to enhance user experience, along with seamless page navigation for a smoother user journey.